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Mission Statement


We exist to strengthen the identity of the children of incarcerated parents (CIP) population within the United States of America. As an organization, we empower children of incarcerated parents to take control over the way they respond to a life circumstance they had no choice in. Additionally, we provide and support opportunities to foster tolerance, awareness, safety, and support of the CIP community while forging alliances with the public at large.


While the ultimate vision of our Founder is a world where we and our services are not needed, we all know that isn't possible. What is possible, however, is a world where all children of incarcerated parents are afforded every resource and every opportunity as those children that come from non-parental incarceration situations - a world where these children grow up un-stigmatized, unencumbered, and uninjured by events and situations that they had no control over.

Statement of Faith

As a Christian founded and operated organization, we are ecumenical in our position.

To clarify, this means that we are not and do not align with any particular denomination under the umbrella that is the Christian faith; nor do we, nor will we ever, endorse or elevate any particular denomination, Church, and/or Pastor above any other. It is my personal belief, as well as the belief of this organization, that, as God is the creator and ruler of all that is, He is also the answer to the issues that plague this world, through his commandments and teachings, which he has expressed to us through the Holy Bible. Deviation from what He commands is a deviation from our relationship with Him. (Deuteronomy 4:2 NIV)

The "compass" for this organization, of which this organization is also named after, is "...but God intended it for good...", a segment of the verse found in Genesis 50:20, which makes no mention of constraints based on sex, race, religious denomination, financial position, public status, etc.

Accordingly, our organization does not limit, or in any way alter or withhold, our services or support based on the religious beliefs (or lack thereof) of anyone. Why not? First, because becoming the child of an incarcerated parent occurs without consideration to such things. Second, to do so would be taking away from Christ's commandment, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35 NIV)

-Michael Hill, Founder

Legal Information

A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation (20131030390)  Colorado Business Search via CO Secretary of State's Website
A Colorado Charitable Organization (20133002240)  Colorado Charity Search via CO Secretary of State's Website
A 501(c)3 Organization (Determination Pending)  U.S. Internal Revenue Service's Website

D-U-N-S® Number 07-880-5883  Dun & Bradstreet Credit Check via D&B

Neutrality Statement: As a 501(c)(3) entity, we must remain neutral on all political issues, at any level of government (local, state, and federal). Comments on Genesis 5020 Foundation's website, Facebook page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel, and any other official media (including our discussion forums) may not refer specifically to any current electoral candidate, or any measure on a current ballot (at any level of government), nor can we display any such statements on any media we produce or are represented on. Any post(s) to a Genesis 5020 Foundation controlled space which violate these rules will be removed without prejudice. 

Privacy Statement: Any and all information collected via email communication, comments, private messages, during the donation process, or by any other means, is collected by Genesis 5020 Foundation, Inc. or a contracted agent of Genesis 5020 Foundation, Inc. (e.g. PayPal). No matter the reason for collection, all identifying information (including donation amount) is kept strictly confidential, unless permission to share such information is provided, in writing, by you (the user/donor).  To view our full Privacy Statement, CLICK HERE!

700 N. Colorado Blvd., Suite 616, Denver, CO 80206     Toll-free:  855-GEN5020 (436-5020)     Direct:  720-295-0209

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© 2013 Genesis 5020 Foundation, Inc. is a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation, A Colorado Charitable Organization, 501(c)3.

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